Sunday 27 April 2014

What's in my bag?

Things which every girl needs in her bag

Doing a mainly summer one because it's going to be summer soon and I hope this helps you for when you go out in summer😊

1. You must always carry your purse on you, you never know when you could need money. 

2. You must always have a makeup bag full of things you may need on your day-to-day basis. I will list them below.
3. You must always have hand gel with you. You never know what you could accidentally put your hand in or where the next sink will be.
4. You must have lip balm in your bag in summer as the sun will dry your lips out and the will chap and that having chapped lips is awful.
5. This isn't a must have but if you get dry skin like I do you should carry moisturiser in summer because your skin will dry out and it's not a nice feeling to have dry skin, if you can get some with sun cream in as well so you don't burn.
6. Just incase you want to or need to freshen up a bit have a body spray or mini deodorant, I personally like to carry both on me but I need to buy a new mini deodorant so that's my body spray to make me smell nice :-)
7. If you have a fringe or long hair that goes in your face or you wear your hair up a lot, these will come in handy. Bobby pins are useful to just pin a part of your hair back and you will lose them, everybody does they're impossible to keep so take quite a few with you every where you go and always take spares.
8. If you eat while you're out and you have bad breath always having gum/ mints on you come in handy because they get rid of the bad smell and gum makes my mouth feel a little but fresher but mints make my mouth feel even more dirty because they're full of sugar but it's up to you.
9. Having a little lipgloss on you at all times is just nice because when you feel sad while you're out and about put a little lip gloss on, smile and take a selfie. I'm pretty sure you'll be happier after that.
10.always have a mirror on you because if it rains and your make up runs you will want to sort it out and you will need a mirror to do that.
11. You will need bobbles especially in summer because your hair will make your neck warm and them you will get uncomfortable and irritable and no fun to be with so make sure you always have atleast two on you because they snap and people take them and don't give them back so you need to have one for yourself as well.
12. In summer you must have shades because if you don't you will be squinting all day and that's no fun, if you're trying to have fun with your friends in summer you will want to be able to see properly so you will want shades, they're a must have.
13. Everybody needs to listen to music, it makes you happy everytime you listen to it so you always need your ear phones on you at all times, they're little zip compartments in bags which you can keep them in. Always have them, if you don't I'm sure you'll regret it.

I hope this has helped you and will help you to pack you bag in summer. If you don't have any of these You can get most of them from places like primark, the most expensive thing on there is probably the moisturiser but you can get cheaper versions of moisturiser. 
Leave comments below of things you want me to blog about.

Skin care

L'oréal Paris- skin perfection- 15 second miracle cleasnsing oil 

Favourite skin care product at the moment!

The new L'oréal Paris 15 second miracle cleansing oil is amazing. 
It's good for getting off your make up easily and it doesn't make you go red like some make up removers do. It feels like you're putting oil in your face so you'd expect it to go greacy but it doesn't. It's good for around the eyes because you can put it on without worrying about it hurting your eyes. You can put it on with your hands so you don't waste any cotton pads. It's great for heavy make up and light make up. Also it makes your skin look healthier which is always good with skin care products.

What's your favourite skin care product?

My depression/anxiety

I got bullied in school quite a bit before I moved school and a little bit after I moved school and that led me to depression. None of my family knew which made it worse, my little sister would just tell me to "stop being so depressing" and I just used to hide away in my room. I think my parents being at work quite a lot helped me hide it from them. I started to cut as a way to let out all my emotions. In year 8/9 I had a councillor but he couldn't help me with anything because I refused to open up to him, now that I am getting better I do regret that a lot because I'm pretty sure I could've gotten better a lot sooner if I did open you to him. In the third month of year 9 I got told I didn't have to see him anymore because he had signed me off as "emotionally unstable" and I wasn't happy about that. Almost a year after that my school find out I cut, we had to go swimming on camp, I ended up getting sent home from camp half way through. My dad kept shouting at me about it and my mom took me shopping. This didn't help though, I only stopped cutting a month and 3 weeks(ish) ago because that's when I found really great people on YouTube :-) and it's made me want to do my own YouTube videos one day but I have no idea what to do them about :-( I was still very depressed until I stopped cutting, my mom bought me and herself a dog each, Phoebe, her dog and Lola, my dog. I do love my dogs and I'm greatful for having them because I know not everybody is aloud dogs so it was nice to be able to have one which I let my friend call hers as well. But dogs DO NOT cure depression, I fact it made me more depressed because you have to look after them and walk them and things like that. I struggled to get out of bed and get ready for school myself and then in a morning having to walk a dog as well it honestly killed me I was late to school a lot and my parents ended up saying I wasn't aloud to do it, I do admit that made me happy because then I wouldn't be late for school. I hate being late especially if your class has already started learning because everybody looks at you. I have slight anxiety issues. Me and my sister once went to the white rose, if you don't know what that is it's a shopping centre which is actually really small compared to other shopping centres but I had an anxiety attack in the middle of it, I couldn't concentrate and I was crying and I felt really dizzy and my older sister was just like "you look genuinely scared what's going on?" And I just said nothing I just don't like being around this many people and she said that she could go shopping another day so we got to leave and I was really happy about that. I'm fortunate to go to quite a small school so I don't really feel anxiety their I think there's like 500 kids in the whole upper school. When I first joined the school I knew three people and two of them, being boys, didn't like me but I had one friend who I've known since I first started primary school in year 1. (I was late joining primary school because I had family issues being that I didn't have a family so I didn't go to preschool, I went to nursery and just under a term of reception but after that I dropped out of school for around a year. Then when I was five I started living with my auntie and uncle, which I still do and I go to school properly now) When I first joined the new school I was assigned a friend to show me around which meant I had two friends and I was quite happy about that. My friend who I've known forever actually doesn't like me anymore because the friend I got assigned I got on really well with and now were best friends instead of me being best friends with her even though she already had a best friend so i don't know why she doesn't like me tbh. My best friend could tell that I was sad though, she then found out about me not having a prepped family and everything and she thought that that could be one of the reasons I was sat and hurting myself so after having a few talks with her about things which upset us we realised we had quite similar problems and we helped each other get through them. If you are depressed please tell a good friend because they will help you and you never know what their life is like! I thought if I told someone they would bully me and once school and everyone in it found out I cut they did bully me but it was fine because I had a few good friends who stayed by my side and I'm so greatful for them. When I first joined the school there were some girls who didn't like me because all the boys thought I was "hot" and they were all giving me more attention than them so they kept saying nasty things about me and made everybody at my new school not like me appart from my assigned friend, I then met her friend group and now were all really good friends. The problem with me is that I didn't tell anyone about being sad and the things on my phone/iPad were all about not being good enough and I believed I wasn't good enough. When people we're mean to me and they pushed me about a lot I didn't tell anybody, I thought nobody would care but I've learnt that they do, ask to talk to your parents or a teacher if you're too scared to talk to your parents but do talk to somebody and if you are dealing with anxiety do not stay at home locked away from everybody else, I know it's hard but I kept away from everybody and it makes your friends drift away from you and you don't want that, even if it's just going to the local park with a few friends do it. 

Judging people

Hair dye

I don't get why people who dye their hair get accused of looking for attention, can somebody please explain that to me?
How do you know what's going through their mind when they dye their hair? You don't. Only the person who has dyed their hair knows why they have done it, maybe they didn't like their natural  hair colour, maybe they want to look more unique and dye it an unusual colour. I have dyed my hair, I've been dying it for four years and I've been bright colours and natural colours, I've also been accused of trying to be someone else by dying my hair a similar colour to theirs. Maybe I just liked the colour, they didn't know what was going through my head when I dyed it, they shouldn't have accused me of copying somebody else when i dye my hair to be my own person. I do not and never will want to be somebody else, I will also never copy anybody else in order to be like them . There are thousands of people with similar hair colours and yet if it's not dyed a natural colour you're begging for attention.  They're just expressing them self through their hair.
If you saw a person with bright pink hair walking down the street you would stare at them more than you would a person with natural brown hair. If you saw a person with massive roots you would stare at them more than you would a person who has no roots and during that time while you were staring at them you would be judging them. Yes I know judging people is a bad thing to do but everybody does it. If I dyed my hair a different colour every week and it started to fall out, you would judge me. People get told lots of bad things about dying their hair because some people do not like it when people dye their hair, nobody ever gets told good things about dying their hair, it gives you character, it makes you unique and it can make you happy being your own person. You will get refused jobs in posh places because having unusual hair colours are "childish". If you let people do what they want and stop judging them for expressing them self the world will be a happier place!

Body piercings

From what I've heard so far people who get body piercings are all "going through a phase"  they're not aloud to get piercings without parent supervision until they're 18 to make sure they're not going through a phase. The only acceptable piercings to get are the ones in your ears. If you get them anywhere else it's unacceptable. If you get a belly bar it's classed as "slutty" and like you're begging for attention, if you get them on your face you're "ruining the way you look" if you get stretchers on your ears you are "ruining your body" because they will never heal. You will get refused jobs  if you  have them on your face or on an area of your body which is on show. People look down on people who have piercings because people judge you for no reason! I'm sorry if this has put you off getting body piercings. If you do want them get them though, you shouldn't care what other people think of you. I'm my person opinion piercings are a good way of expressing yourself and some of them are quite nice.


People who have tattoos are just painting their body with memories and get they're classed as "bad" and "disgusting" but if somebody carried a diary around with them it would be classed as "cute" and a "good idea" even though diaries can get lost and rewind. People who get tattoos are smart not stupid as most people think they are. If you get tattoos on parts of your body which you can see with clothes on you will get refused jobs and it will be seen as fine because people with tattoos aren't as good as people who don't have them. When tbh if you want a tattoo get one. It's your life and you can do whatever you want. Nobody can tell you that it's wrong because there is no wrong or right. If you're considering getting a tattoo just do it because if you don't you will regret it and you can always get them removed if you don't like them that much.